Fundraising Online – Bravelets

Fundraising online has a lot of perks. It can raise funds not just locally, from people you know, but it can typically be spread through your network, employees networks, team members and so forth. There are a lot of ways that this is possible, some like Bravelets take the model that we have seen in so many schools selling things like chocolate bars/wrapping paper/cookie dough etc. in that one is actually purchasing something, knowing that a part of what they are paying is going to a cause they believe in/want to support. I like the Bravelets option because there are some good designs that are easily integrated into a wardrobe and who doesn’t want a pretty reminder on their wrist that says “Brave”? You can sign up to run a fundraiser easily by registering with the site and picking the colors you want to share with your audience, here is an example of the store I set up for “Moms With MS”.

Being a mom of three, finding ways like this to contribute to causes is an obsession..I look forward to sharing more with you!

Fundraising Online – Bravelets

Thank you Facebook! I love shortcuts!!

I was surprised (in a good way) yesterday when I was typing too fast and this lovely pop-up appeared of the key shortcuts that work with Facebook!:

Thank you Facebook!
Thank you Facebook!

I am very familiar with key shortcuts in Illustrator, Photoshop and am thrilled that Facebook could be a little bit simpler…have you tried any of these? I haven’t quite integrated them into my browsing experience, but I hope to!

Happy Techie Tuesday!

Thank you Facebook! I love shortcuts!!

My Computers…

Alright, I’m irritated enough at my computer situation to feel the need to tell you all about it. Right now I’m in “writing mode”.

Writing Mode
My writing mode/mood, happens pretty often, typically when I have to tell someone something in an email, or if I have an idea worthy of blogging about, or maybe just to vent on or something. Or in the past when I was writing a lot of articles for Associated Content I would be in a writing mood as often as possible because it meant I’d have enough change to go get a coffee or something. When I am in my Writing Mood I prefer Chrombie, as you can probably guess it is a Chromebook (this Samsung model). I have had this computer for quite a while, and I fell in love with my first Chromebook in 2012 which unfortunately died when I spilled a little bit of wine on it (oops!) but this love affair is still going on.

The only problem I have with the Chrombie is that she is SO popular, both of my daughters and my husband all seem to want a turn on most days. I’m happy to share (and glad my girls are into it) but it means I don’t get as much time…so back on the PC I go.

Communication Design Mode
Sometimes, the urge to visually communicate something takes hold. This is one of the hardest modes to navigate, it was 2011 when my most recent iMac bit the dust, something about the capacitors being referred to as “Fat Caps” and my screen went black. It was the beginning of a dark time when this mode came on because with my other computers, I was lacking some of the tools that I was used to using whenever the mood struck (aka Photoshop and Illustrator). I had those installed on my Mac, but nowhere else at that time, and no other mac to load the applications on.

Recently I have been attempting to use the PC (more on that in a minute) for this mode…we are still getting to know each other in this mode though and it is definitely a challenge…I’m grateful that it is a good way to practice my meditation at least.

PC Mode
When all else fails..I do have my PC. We did get a new, albeit NOT pimped out PC close to two years ago, it allows for my 9yo to play Minecraft, and I can play Lumosity and get most of the work I need to do, done. The key word though, in that last sentence is MOST. Other times I will get this kind of…silent treatment. Especially since trying to use the Creative Cloud that Adobe now offers (and I am grateful for) it will just…hang. No indication that something is going on, and most of the time even Ctrl Alt Del won’t give me the Task Manager.

At least with my Mac I got a pretty little spinning rainbow ball when it was lagging.

So I’m learning to love my PC, it is my main computer (though I’d love a mac available to use for design and a Chromebook that is invisible so nobody can take it!). I finally learned how to install the fonts on the PC and hopefully I’ll have lots of pretty pictures to share soon…

What is your computer story? Do you have a favorite? Do your kids have a favorite?

My Computers…

Techie Designer Mom…Let’s get this started!

Hello world, I am starting this blog to focus myself a bit more..I’ve never been good at fitting into one ‘role’ in particular and have experienced a lot of wins in technology, design, and of course being a mom is always rewarding (and always challenging!) I have created this blog as an attempt to sort of focus my posts a bit. I also write for a few other sites, is my personal site, is my business site and is where I am getting together with a group of people to build a more modern business infrastructure that I look forward to passing on to future generations. I am a graduate of Parsons School of Design in NYC (Now called Parsons the New School of Design) and currently work with updating websites to keep up with technology, (the internet is changing fast!) as well as helping with things like Social Media, SEO etc. I look forward to building an audience and especially hope to bond with other moms who are not forcing themselves to fit into a particular box!

Much love and support in this journey called life…

Techie Designer Mom…Let’s get this started!